Sunday, December 29, 2013

A rare picture together

I rarely get a picture of the girls together. They are starting to play together a little more.

Our family pet

We have a hawk that hangs out in the back yard.  He watched as the girls played outside.

Fun outside


We had a wonderful Christmas. Katie was so excited and loved all of her gifts from Santa, even the orange in her stocking.  Julia was pretty happy with just the goldfish in her stocking. My dad and Deb celebrated Christmas with us there year too.  We had a very busy day with gifts at our house, breakfast and more presents at Kendall and Glenn's and even more fun at Suzie and Jeff's.  Thanks to everyone who made the girls Christmas so special.
New sleeping bags from Will and Elly

Sunset on Christmas night

Ward's Birthday

We celebrated Will's birthday for lunch and celebrated Ward's birthday for dinner. Both are so lucky to have Christmas Eve birthdays.

Will and Elly's visit and Will's Birthday

 Mike, Patti, Will and Elly came for a short visit. The kids all had a great time together. Will's birthday is on Christmas Eve. We got to help celebrate his birthday.

Fun in the snow!

Katie loved the snow, Julia was not really a fan. These are two different snow storms.  Katie also enjoyed having some snow with syrup for breakfast and her first hot chocolate.


We had a nice Thanksgiving with friends and family.  The girls loved their Thanksgiving dinner.