Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fun in the leaves

Katie loved jumping in the leaves. Julia wasn't so sure!

Various pictures of the girls

Here are some random pictures of the girls.. and Owen too!

Check out my mow hawk

Julia and her ears

Julia has had numerous ear infections. So like every other kid in the world, she got tubes. Looked so cute in her little "jammies" for her surgery.  Even practiced a little stretching before she went in.

Big Girl Bed

Katie is out of the crib and sleeping in her big girl bed. It was pretty uneventful.  It just kind of happened. Not sure how she actually sleeps in her bed with all the babies, stuffed animals and books.  She has done a great job staying in her bed.

Birthday Party

Katie was invited to a birthday party for some friends  in her class. They are twins.  We went to Romp n Roll. She had a great time. I got to meet some parents and see who the kids were in her class.

Elmwood Zoo

The girls and I took a little trip to Elmwood Zoo. They were all set up for Halloween.  We saw the animals and went through the hay maze.

Field Trip to Freddy Farms

Owen and Katie had a field trip to Freddy Farms. They went on a hayride, picked pumpkins and had some ice cream. Julia even got to go along too. The cute pumpkin hats were made by Carmella.

Katie's Halloween Parade

Katie had a Halloween Parade at school.  Daddy, Aunt Kendall, Carmella, Julia and mommy all went. I thought I did a good thing leaving school for the parade.  Katie saw me and cried. Guess I should have stayed at work.  All the kids looked so cute.
Our little bee!

Owen is a fireman

Our sad little bee


We had a beautiful night for Halloween.  We had to do a little bribing with Katie to wear her costume.  Mommy had to do the  knocking on the door, but Katie did well with Trick or Treat. She took 2 pieces of candy and always gave one to Julia. It didn't take Julia long to figure out that she got to pick candy too. I think her favorite part was giving candy out to the kids.

More MerryMead

Our realtor, Mrs. Dimino always has a customer appreciation day at Merrymead. We went again this year. We had a great lunch, rode the hay ride, painted some pumpkins and Julia checked out a fire truck.