Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Merry Mead Farms

We took a trip to Merry Mead to have some ice cream. The girls really loved their ice cream. We took some silly pictures.

Katie's First Day of Preschool

Katie has started pre-school at First Baptist.  She and Owen will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was lucky enough to get to take her on her first day.  She walked right in and started  playing. I barely got a kiss good-bye.  She had a great first day.  There are 7 other kids in her class.  We can't wait to hear about her days at school.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Julia's 1st Birthday!

Julia was lucky enough to spend her first birthday at the beach. She had a great time celebrating with family. She was not so thrilled with her cake. I was so excited to get great pictures and she wanted nothing to do with her cake. We even tried giving her a spoon. Needless to say, Katie was quite happy to help eat her cake.

Blue Moon

We were lucky enough to be at the beach for the blue moon. I got some great shots.

The Creative Arts

Katie helped to make pancakes for breakfast for everyone. No one seemed to notice the little bit of spit that made its way into the bowl.  Corolla has wild horses on the 4 wheel drive beach.  There is a store where you can paint horses.  The girls each painted a horse.  I see some serious artists in our future.

Pretty beach and sky pictures

Corolla Lighthouse

The light house was just across the street from where we were staying. I was able to get a shot of the house with the girls out on the deck.

More Outer Banks