Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Swimming.. "By myself"

Katie loves the water and has really enjoyed being in the pool. She likes to jump off the side and can kick, but would not let go of me to swim.  Kendall and I were able to get her to swim between the two of us.  Today I am not sure what clicked, but all of a sudden she realized she could hold herself up in her vest and "swim" on her own. My goal was to have this happen by the end of the summer.

Birthday Party

We celebrated Katie's 2nd birthday and  Julia's almost 1st birthday.  We will be away for Julia's 1st birthday.  Thanks to all our family and friends who helped to celebrate.


Katie, Julia and I drove up to my dad's to see Mike, Patti, Will and Elly who were in from Toronto for a visit. We had a great time. Katie thought it would be a great idea to pick up one of Grandpa's cactus.  The day ended with lots of fun with a bucket of water.

Fourth of July

We went to Kendall and Glenn's on Wednesday night for dinner before the fireworks. No fireworks for us this year. Katie isn't big on loud noises and it was way past their bedtime. On Thursday we went to Suzie and Jeff's for a picnic and swimming.