Saturday, February 23, 2013


Katie and Julia are both taking swimming lessons. This is Katie's second time in the lessons and Julia's first.  They both love the water.  Kendall was the best aunt and helped with swimming lessons. Katie loves blowing bubbles and jumping off the side of the pool. 

Carousel Ride

We spent and exciting Friday night at the mall.  Katie took her first carousel ride. She loved it. Katie also enjoyed watching the fountains. Julia decided it was a great time to nap.

6 months old!

Julia is sitting on her own. She has finally decided she will occasionally roll from her stomach to her back. After a long bout of sickness, we finally have her back to eating normally and sleeping through the night. She loves to watch Katie. Katie does a great job making Julia laugh. She is working on getting her teeth. Julia is starting to look a little less like daddy as her hair is slowly but surely growing in. The jury is still out on the color.