Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Julia's Baptism

We had a wonderful day for Julia's baptism.  Katie and Julia are lucky to share the same godparents, James and Sue. Julia was an angel during her baptism. Thanks to all of our family and friends who helped us celebrate.

5 Months Old!

Julia is 5 months old. Although she is a very happy baby, she is keeping us on our toes.  Julia is a grazer when it comes to eating.  She will have a few ounces here and few there.  She has also decided that we do not need a full night sleep. She feels the need to say "hello" anywhere between 3-4 am. Good thing she is so darn cute! Julia has rolled over a few times but nothing consistent.  Not so sure she isn't working on a tooth as well.

Julia's first taste of food!

I am all ready for my food.

Ok, not so bad.

Not sure.

No thanks.. this stuff is yucky!
Julia started cereal and veggies.  She needs to take some tips on eating from her big sister.  Let's just say I think Julia will be our picky eater.  Julia eats on her own schedule.  She is quite the grazer.

Snow Fun!

Katie had a great time enjoying the snow this year. Will and Elly were here to help entertain her. She even got to do a little sledding. Julia got to experience the snow too. No sledding this year for Julia.