Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Check out my new kitchen.

Love my stocking!

Julia got a present from Katie.

Can't wait to help mommy clean.

Let the music begin.

Ohh.. can't wait to see what this is.

Playing my instrument and singing Christmas carols.

Singing Christmas carols with daddy.
We had a wonderful Christmas!  We started at our house with stockings, presents from each other and Santa presents. Katie got a state of the art kitchen.  Daddy got her a vaccuum and there were some legos thrown in there too. Julia had a great first Christmas too. Katie got her a shape sorter. We then went to Aunt Kendall and Uncle Glenn's for breakfast and more presents. Katie had so much fun helping all of us, that she still has some presents to open from Nannie and Kendall and Glenn. Lastly, we went to Suzie and Jeff's for more presents and Christmas dinner.  Thanks to everyone for making the girls Christmas so wonderful.

Our Christmas Day dancer

Katie loves to dance. She will dance anywhere.. the living room, her carseat or a store.  She hears music and her little white girl moves take over. Nannie got her some maracas for Christmas. We added a little music and off she went.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Katie (18 mo.) and Julia (4 mo.)

White Christmas Eve.. better than nothing.
Hope Santa isn't too full to enjoy some cookies.
We got a white Christmas Eve. Too bad it didn't snow earlier for the girls to go outside.  I was able to get a rare picture of the girls together in their Christmas jammies.   Katie even left some cookies out for Santa.

Ward's Birthday

Ward has a Christmas Eve birthday.  He spent his birthday enjoying Chinese food and having help opening his gifts. Julia was into watching the candles on the cake. Not sure who had more fun opening gifts.. Ward or Katie.  It gave her good practice for Christmas.

4 Months

Julia is 4 months old. The time is going so quickly. She loves watching Katie and laughing at what Katie does.  Julia is almost ready to roll over.  I am pretty sure she will be up and moving in no time so she can follow her big sister around. Julia continues to be very happy.  We can't wait to see how she grows.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tea Party!

Yummy tea!

Katie giving Julia some tea!

What else can I put in the stroller?
Katie is very "girly." She loves pushing her babies and other things in her stroller, carrying purses and having a tea parties.  She even invited Julia to have some tea. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our sad little gingerbread house!

I saw a gingerbread kit in the grocery store and decided to buy it.  I put it together and Katie did a great job decorating. She really did do the decorating.  The house sort of drooped so it really is a sad little house. Hopefully next year we can do a better job.  Julia had a great time watching and can't wait to join in next year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Katie feeds herself!

Katie is working on feeding herself.  She does well with some things and others she just gives up and uses her fingers.  I decided to let her eat her yogurt on her own.  Not sure exactly how much actually made it in her mouth. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

We had breakfast with Santa at the King of Prussia firehouse.  We joined our friends Eva and Henry for the fun event.  Katie loved waving to Santa from a distance.  Maybe next year she will be a little braver.