Friday, November 23, 2012

The Girls

Here are a few rare pictures of both the girls together.  Katie puts out her hands to hold Julia or JuJu as she calls Julia.  Katie does love her sister.. even if she loves her a little too much sometimes.  We are really looking forward to when they are older and they can enjoy each others company.

3 Months Old!

Julia is 3 months old. I can't believe how quickly the time is going.  Julia is sleeping through the night.. yippee for mommy and daddy.  Poor Julia doesn't get to spend as much time on the floor.. it isn't always a safe place.  Julia loves to watch Katie, even when she is torturing her.

Julia's First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I missed having my dad and Deb here. They were in Toronto watching Will and Elly. More importantly I missed my dad bringing Lemon Sponge pie.  Julia had a wonderful first Thanksgiving.  Couldn't get a good picture of both girls together.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Katie's First Haircut

Katie went for her first haircut...ok trim. She did a terrific job. She sat quietly on my lap and let the stylist cut away. Katie even got some mouse at the end for those curls.  Julia is not quite ready for her first haircut. She seems to be following daddy's footsteps in the hair department.