Monday, September 24, 2012

One Month Old!

Julia is one month old.  She is doing great.  She is keeping track of all the times her big sister bothers her so she can get her revenge when she gets a little bigger. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Daddy and his little Aggies!

Katie and Julia showed their Aggie pride.  Texas A&M starts their season in the SEC.  The Aggies were on ESPN's College Game Day.  Daddy and his girls are hoping for a win over Florida.  Go Aggies!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Various Katie Pictures

Here are some various Katie pictures. She has done a great job having Julia around. She loves to play in the car seat and nap nanny.  She brings us her diapers when we change Katie. I even got a shot of her trying to put a diaper on her baby. She loves to give Julia kisses and can sort of say Julia's name.  I am still trying to get a good picture of Katie kissing Julia.

Grandpa and the Girls

Grandpa came down to meet Julia and help with Katie.  He enjoyed meeting his newest granddaughter, he has four granddaughters and one grandson.  He was even a good sport and played blocks with Katie.

LA Grimes

Doug, Autumn and Simone were in for a wedding with Autumn's family.  Luckily, Julia came a week early so they were all able to meet. It was great to see Katie, Simone and Julia at their different ages.  Grandpa also came down to visit three out of four of his granddaughters. He got to see Will and Elly a few weeks ago.