Sunday, March 25, 2012

Katie's Spring Picture

This is Katie's Spring/Easter picture. She is 9 months in this picture.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Elmwood Zoo

Katie took her first trip to Elmwood Zoo today. It is a great little zoo about 10 minutes from our house. It was a beautiful day out. She loved seeing the animals and waving to them. Thanks to Grandpa for her early birthday gift!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

9 Months

Katie is 9 months. She is crawling everywhere and pulling up on the furniture. Her bottom teeth have come through as have her top teeth. She continues to be a happy little girl...let's hope that continues into her teen years! Katie is weighing in at 20.12 lbs and is 28 1/2" long.. both in the 90%. Her head is 18 1/4" which puts her in the 98%... That big ol' noggin better have lots of brains in there.