Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More Christmas

Katie enjoyed sitting next to the yule log. As always, she had to taste her toys first. Such a pretty face as she blows bubbles in her Christmas dress.


We had a very nice Christmas. Katie got lots of clothes, books and fun toys. Nannie knitted her a new hat. Of course, she enjoyed eating the paper first, but then had fun with her toys.


Katie helped Aunt Kendall and daddy celebrate their birthdays. She can't wait until she can have some cake too.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

6 Months

Katie is six months old. She is rolling around and can push herself backwards. I am trying to get some video of her rolling around. Anytime she sees me videoing, she stops and watches the camera. She is doing lots of babbling, laughing and just a genuinely happy baby.

Decorating the Tree and Eating Grandpa's Gift

Katie decided she wanted to help "un"decorate the tree. Now that she is rolling around, nothing is safe. She also noticed that part of Grandpa's present was under the tree and she wanted to make sure it tasted all right.