Thursday, September 29, 2011

Four Months

People say they grow up so fast. I can't believe that Katie is 4 months already. She is not a great napper but is pretty much sleeping through the night. She can roll on her side and is working hard at rolling over. Her favorite past time is to put things in her you can see with her ugly doll in the picture. You can also see she is no longer "the shrimp." She has moved to "pork chop" with her fat legs and arms and chubby cheeks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Watching Football

Daddy went to Texas A & M for his 20 year reunion. Mommy and I had to stay home. Here I am watching the game in my A & M outfit. I don't see daddy in the stands.. I think he is in the nosebleed section.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Daddy's Little Aggie

Katie watched the Texas A&M football game with daddy. She was quite the little cheerleader!


We put Katie in her Bumbo today to work on holding her head up. We think in the next few weeks she should have that big old head all under control. She gets the big head from Ward's side of the family!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A New Pet... Nope!

So we had a squirrel in our chimney. Ward thought it would make a nice new pet for Katie. The nice exterminator brought a humane trap and we caught him very quickly. Ward was kind enough to take the trap outside.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Three Months Old

Katie is three months old. It is amazing to see how much she has changed. She is on her way to keeping her head up and I am positive I heard her laugh today.