Thursday, August 25, 2011

Corolla, North Carolina- Katie's First Trip

Katie had many firsts on her vacation to The Outer Banks. It was the first time she went to the beach, the first time she experienced an earthquake, the first time she saw a beached whale and the first time she had to evacuate for hurricane Irene. We also celebrated Kristen's birthday and the engagement of Ashley and Justin. We will be returning next year for Justin and Ashley's wedding. Katie also got watch everyone eat crabs.... maybe next year she can join in. The picture of the yellow flower was a barrett.. she wasn't too sure about this.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Katie's First Road Trip

Katie took her first road trip today to the Outer Banks, NC. It turned out to be quite the "white trash" road trip. Obviously mommy and daddy took advantage of Katie and her small size and packed the car around her. Then it was time for lunch at Chick Filet. Chick Filet was too crowded so we ate lunch in the Kohl's parking lot. Then came the diaper change in the front seat of the car at Wawa.. as great as Wawa is, they do not have a changing table in the bathroom. Finally, we hit another Wawa, where Katie got to eat in the front seat with daddy.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Two Months Old

Katie is two months old. She is getting bigger everyday. She is smiling and making lots of noises.