Sunday, July 31, 2011

Katie is trying out her new shades for the beach. Do I see modeling in her future?

Friday, July 29, 2011


Today was Katie's first dip into the pool. She wasn't so sure at first but after a few minutes enjoyed the water. She has so many bathing suits that she will have a new one for each time she goes swimming.

Play Date

Katie had her friend Zack come over for her first play date.... do we see prom dates in the future??

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mom, Dad and Katie

Mom, dad and Katie.


Katie got to meet her extended family this past weekend. Great Uncle Jeff came from Alaska, Great Uncle Eric and Great Aunt Pam came from New Hampshire, Uncle Doug and Aunt Autumn came from California, Uncle Mike and Aunt Patti, Will and Elly came from Georgia, Gigi and Bumps (Gogo and Jim) came from Delaware and Grandpa and Deb were here too. She loved being passed around to everyone and really enjoyed Will and Elly playing and talking to her.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Month

Katie is one month old today. She is staying awake more during the day but, her favorite time to be wide awake is at 3 am. She much prefers to be held over sitting in a chair.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A New Book to Read

Doug and Autumn sent Katie a new book. Mommy and Daddy read this while Katie is wide awake in the middle of the night.

4th of July

Katie had her first 4th of July at Aunt Suzie's. She met her new friend Maddie and even got her own plate of cookies. She had a wonderful time being passed around to all the family members. Katie finally got to meet Aunt Pat and Uncle Bill too.