Monday, June 27, 2011

Bath Time

Had our first bath on Sunday night. Wasn't so sure when she first went in, but once she hit the water she seemed to enjoy her bath time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eat or Sleep???

In order to get our little princess to eat, we have to undress her. She would much rather sleep than eat.. as you can tell from her picture.

Father's Day

Katie celebrated her first Father's Day with her daddy. They spent quality time together. Happy First Father's Day Daddy!

And Still More Visitors

The 5th grade ENMS girls came for a visit. Of course, Katie was a perfect hostess and slept through the entire visit.

More Visitors

Katie loved meeting her cousins Kristen and Ashley. She can't wait to spend more time with them at the Outer Banks this summer. Of course, it will be a fight to see who gets to hold her longer.


Getting our babysitters ready early. Eva and Henry came to visit. Eva did a great job taking care of Katie. Katie loved sleeping in Emily's arms. Katie is looking forward to all her babysitters coming to play with her in the future.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Granddad and Katie.

Grandpa came down from Mechancisburg to see his newest grandchild!

Stole this idea from my friend Lynn to put her in the chair and take pictures. She is with her ugly doll, not really happy to be sitting in the chair.

Katherine O'Brien Miller was born on June 9, 2011. Our "Little Shrimp" weighed in at 9lbs 2 oz and was 21 inches long. She was the biggest baby in the nursery.. even outweighing the boys!