Katie enjoyed sitting next to the yule log. As always, she had to taste her toys first. Such a pretty face as she blows bubbles in her Christmas dress.
We had a very nice Christmas. Katie got lots of clothes, books and fun toys. Nannie knitted her a new hat. Of course, she enjoyed eating the paper first, but then had fun with her toys.
Katie is six months old. She is rolling around and can push herself backwards. I am trying to get some video of her rolling around. Anytime she sees me videoing, she stops and watches the camera. She is doing lots of babbling, laughing and just a genuinely happy baby.
Katie decided she wanted to help "un"decorate the tree. Now that she is rolling around, nothing is safe. She also noticed that part of Grandpa's present was under the tree and she wanted to make sure it tasted all right.
We celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends. Grandpa fed Katie her Thanksgiving dinner of sweet potatoes. Max was home from college and finally got to meet Katie.
We can't believe it has been 5 months already. Katie is rolling over, eating solids and sleeping through the night. She continues to have mommy's sparkling personality :):).
We had a beautiful day for Katie's baptism. Katie was the best behaved baby at the baptism. We celebrated with friends and family. Thank you for all coming to help celebrate Katie's big day.
I forgot to take some toys to Bethany when we went to visit.... seems Katie doesn't need any expensive toys. She was very happy with Gogo's measuring spoons.
Katie had her 4 month check up. She is 15lbs 7oz and 25 1/4 inches long. The doctor told us we could start her on cereal. He said there will be more on her than in. Katie is in her new high chair all ready for her cereal. She is not a fan of the cereal as you can see by her face.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Katie is sporting her Phils shirt! She is hoping to see them get a win tonight!
People say they grow up so fast. I can't believe that Katie is 4 months already. She is not a great napper but is pretty much sleeping through the night. She can roll on her side and is working hard at rolling over. Her favorite past time is to put things in her mouth...as you can see with her ugly doll in the picture. You can also see she is no longer "the shrimp." She has moved to "pork chop" with her fat legs and arms and chubby cheeks.
Daddy went to Texas A & M for his 20 year reunion. Mommy and I had to stay home. Here I am watching the game in my A & M outfit. I don't see daddy in the stands.. I think he is in the nosebleed section.
We put Katie in her Bumbo today to work on holding her head up. We think in the next few weeks she should have that big old head all under control. She gets the big head from Ward's side of the family!